In order to maintain the trust and confidence our visitors have placed in our website we are obliged to provide optimum level protection to the private information shared by them on our sites. This is the major driving force for our motivation to serve better than ever. Our thoughtful consideration to privacy issues has driven us to place our privacy policies notice online. This notice comprises of description of our online information practices and the availability of possible combination to make a customized choice on provision (submission and collection) and use of your personal information. The notice is freely accessible on our homepage. It is free to view, read and download by all our valued clients. The notice is served to provide you with guidelines for gathering of information. Not only this, the contents of this privacy policy note is available online and easily search able. N this way we have ensured to provide all the users of this website with information regarding options available for privacy protection through easy access. This policy on the privacy of information is also available at all the places where the users are required to provide personally identifiable information or are inclined to voluntarily submit personal identifiable and confidential information.

Track Record of Personal Information

According to the recent developments and improvements in our privacy policy measures, we have implemented more stringent controls and logs on our websites. Now in future, the IP address of all visitors will be subject to tracking as well as dates and access attempts to log on to The information so obtained shall be subject to and restricted to be used for internal management purposes only. Main objective of gathering such information is to obtain source data for demographic analysis, to study the trends for improving the monitoring and management control of the sites under utilization. Other usages might be to have a follow up of and tracking of user movement for internal purposes. Most important thing to bring to your notice is that the recording of IP address does not encompass the gathering of personally identifiable information neither does it have any connection or is not related to breach of privacy.

Alterations to this privacy policy
Changes to this policy are subject to the discretion of management. For the purpose of enhancing confidentiality and improving the privacy standards, the management may alter all or part of this policy from time to time. Come what may, all changes shall be made in the light of prudence and for the improvement of this policy. Please feel free to raise any type of queries and inquire further about our privacy policies in place or the private policies of at for further assistance and provide you with the requisite information.